The Brandenburg CDU deputy chairman Frank Bommert has been reprimanded by his party for a WhatsApp post and damaging conduct. In a WhatsApp status message, the 62-year-old indirectly gave the impression that he wished for the death of members of the federal government.
On Friday evening, Bommert admitted that he lied and actually wrote the status himself. He had initially portrayed it differently. The CDU presidium, which met on Friday evening, issued a reprimand to Bommert for violating the party’s principles.
The CDU politician, who is also the deputy chairman of the state parliamentary group, apologized for the content of the post and for not telling the truth. In his WhatsApp status a few days ago, he posted that God had called his favorite rock star Tina Turner, favorite skier Rosi Mittermaier, and favorite footballer Franz Beckenbauer to himself – and the text continued with the addition: “My favorite politicians are Robert Habeck, Annalena Baerbock, and Ricarda Lang. Oh, and Olaf Scholz.” The RBB first reported about it on Wednesday.
Bommert apologizes for his misconduct
Bommert stated that the publication was a mistake which he deeply regretted. He admitted that the content of the WhatsApp post had crossed a line and was inappropriate. “My behavior has caused damage to politics and the party. I apologize to everyone for that.”
Initially, Bommert had explained the post by claiming that someone else had access to his account and played a prank. “I realize that I missed the point where I should have told the truth. I am very sorry about that.”
Reprimand is not linked to dismissal from office
The party’s reprimand against Bommert refers to both the post itself and his lie. “The board has sanctioned both violations and therefore not only issued a warning, but a more severe reprimand,” the CDU stated in response on Saturday. “Preserving the principles of the CDU includes maintaining the liberal democratic order. This requires an appropriate handling of political competitors. Frank Bommert’s tasteless post egregiously violated this. The same applies to truthfulness both internally and externally,” the CDU said. Bommert used the meeting of the Brandenburg CDU presidium on Friday evening to come clean, it was reported.
According to the party’s regulations, a reprimand from the CDU state association is a disciplinary measure, but it is not associated with removal from party office or other penalties.