London: Unprecedented daily Russian casualties
16.39 hrs: According to British military experts, Moscow’s losses in Ukraine in recent weeks have been unprecedented in the Russian invasion. This was revealed in the daily intelligence report from the Ministry of Defense in London on Monday. Although the numbers from the Ukrainian General Staff, indicating that more than 900 Russian soldiers were killed or injured on average daily in November, were unverifiable, they were deemed plausible, as mentioned in the statement on X (formerly Twitter).
Previously, the highest number of daily Russian casualties was around 770 per day – this was in March of this year, at the peak of the Russian attacks on the city of Bakhmut. The British did not provide information on Ukrainian losses in their statement. According to the British, the offensive on the city of Avdiivka in the eastern Donbass region was primarily responsible for the high Russian losses in November.
Wives of Russian mobilized troops call for their return
14.05 hrs: A group of wives of Russian troops mobilized for the Ukraine conflict have launched a call for the return of their men, laced with sharp criticism of Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin. “We will not leave the field until our men are safely back home (FOREVER, we are not interested in rotation),” the statement published on the Telegram channel “Putj domoi” (“Way back home”) on Monday said. The criticism includes the fact that problems at the front are being swept under the carpet to avoid endangering Putin’s re-election next year.
Currently, there is no information on how many wives of mobilized troops are participating in or sympathizing with the protest actions. “We remember that the president promised that reservists would not be called up, that the tasks of the military special operation would be carried out by professional volunteers,” the authors wrote. Instead, their men have been deployed for 15 months, and many have already fallen. “The mobilization has proved to be a terrible mistake.” They warned that no one is safe from another partial mobilization in 2024.
In the fall of 2022, Putin declared a partial mobilization following serious military setbacks in the invasion of Ukraine, contrary to his initial promises. For weeks, the wives of those mobilized at the time, including the activists of the Telegram channel “Putj domoi”, have been pressing for the return of the men. Several demonstrations they wanted to organize were not approved by the authorities, citing reasons including COVID-19.
Ambassador sees Ukraine better prepared for winter attacks
Monday, November 27, 11.05 am: The Ukrainian government is calling for more anti-aircraft systems from its allies, even though it sees itself better prepared for Russian attacks in winter than last year. “We are better prepared (…) because our partners have also recognized that anti-aircraft systems provide the best protection against this Russian missile and drone attack,” said the Ukrainian ambassador to Germany, Oleksii Makeiev, on Monday on Deutschlandfunk.
Nevertheless, according toMakeiev continues to require additional military assistance. “Today we are better equipped – but is it enough? Unfortunately not.” The territory of Ukraine is very vast. Therefore, the appeal to partners is: “We need more air defense systems to protect us from this Russian missile terror.” Makeiev stated that this threat is also targeted at Ukraine’s critical infrastructure during this autumn and winter. Russia is attacking power plants and power stations, “so that civilians have to endure winter without power, without heating, and freeze.”
Last winter, Russia repeatedly launched massive air attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. The Ukrainian government expects a similar scenario this winter as well. Currently, the weather conditions are causing problems. A severe snowstorm caused power outages in some areas along the Black Sea coast of Ukraine, as well as disruptions in some places for road traffic.
Winter in Ukraine: Selenskyj highlights the situation of soldiers
20.47 hrs: Amid the onset of winter in Ukraine, President Volodymyr Selenskyj emphasized the particularly difficult situation of soldiers on the front lines. “Now, when it is so tough, when the conditions are so difficult, we should all be especially thankful to those who maintain the defense of our country,” Selenskyj said in his video address on Sunday evening. He particularly mentioned the soldiers “in the positions, on posts, and in mobile fire commands.” They are all in service even under winter conditions to protect “Ukraine, the life of our state, and our independence.”
A severe snowstorm initially hit the entire Black Sea coast of Ukraine on Sunday and caused significant problems in many places. In addition to power outages in some areas, road traffic collapsed, while central parts of the country initially struggled with cold and sleet. The snowstorm also paralyzed traffic and public life in the Crimean Peninsula, occupied and annexed by Russia.
Last year, Russian military forces tried to pressure the Ukrainian population by launching air attacks against the country’s energy infrastructure. Official Kiev expects a similar scenario this winter.
Kiev: Russians plan to reoccupy industrial city of Kupjansk
14.39 hrs: In light of the ongoing Russian offensive in the east of the country, Kiev’s military has warned of the danger of a new occupation of the industrial city of Kupjansk in the Kharkiv region. “The Russian occupiers have not given up their intention to attack the city of Kupjansk, they want to occupy it again,” said the spokesman of the Ukrainian army forces, Volodymyr Fitjo, on Sunday on television. In recent weeks, Russian troops in the northeast of Ukraine have regained the initiative and made territorial gains.
According to Fitjo, the fighting is now taking place around the town of Synkiwka, a few kilometers northeast of Kupjansk. Ukrainian forces have repelled four Russian attacks in the area. Last autumn, as part of their counteroffensive, Ukraine liberated large parts of the Kharkiv region, including the important railroad junction of Kupjansk on the Oskil River. They crossed the river and pushed the Russian occupiers back into the neighboring Luhansk region. However, the front line now mostly runs in the Kharkiv region.
Further south, in the eastern Ukrainian regionIn Donetsk, the Ukrainian military is on the defensive. The situation around the city of Avdiivka is particularly dire. According to Russian military bloggers, Moscow’s forces have achieved further territorial gains in the industrial area of the city. Kiev has not yet commented on these reports.
London: Deficiencies in Russian weapon systems due to Ukraine war
12:55 PM: The attack war against Ukraine is leading to deficiencies in key Russian weapon systems, according to British intelligence services. “Extraordinary Russian air transport movements in November 2023 indicate that Russia has likely relocated strategic air defense systems from its Baltic Sea enclave, Kaliningrad, to compensate for recent losses in Ukraine,” the British Ministry of Defense said on Sunday, citing intelligence information. Ukraine has recently destroyed several Russian SA-21 air defense systems.
The British Ministry pointed out that the Kaliningrad region, which borders NATO members Poland and Lithuania, is one of the strategically most important regions for Russia. “The fact that the Russian Ministry of Defense seems willing to take additional risks underscores how much the war has overloaded some of Russia’s most important modern capabilities.” Moscow has repeatedly justified the attack war with the aim of preventing Ukraine from joining NATO.
Since the beginning of the Russian attack war against Ukraine, the British Ministry of Defense has been publishing daily information on the course of the war. Moscow accuses London of disinformation.
Moscow: Ukrainian drones shot down over four regions – two rockets intercepted
11:33 AM: According to Russia, it has repelled a suspected Ukrainian missile attack and several drone attacks on Russian regions. The Russian Air Force has shot down two rockets over the Sea of Azov heading towards Russian territory, the Ministry of Defense announced on Sunday. Earlier, drone attacks were reported in three regions bordering Ukraine, Belarus, and the center of the country, as well as in the capital region.
According to the information, the Russian Air Force destroyed a total of four drones over Bryansk, Smolensk, and Tula. Some drones were also shot down over the Moscow metropolitan area.
On Sunday, Ukraine reported renewed Russian drone attacks on its territory. Eight out of nine drones were intercepted by air defense.
Russian air defense: Intercepted more than ten Ukrainian drones
Sunday, November 26, 04:15 AM: According to Russia’s air defense, it repelled more than ten Ukrainian drones in the night to Sunday. A total of eleven drones were destroyed over the Moscow, Tula, Kaluga, and Bryansk regions near Ukraine, the Defense Ministry in Moscow announced. Kiev’s drone attack was thwarted. The authority did not provide details. In Tula, one person was lightly injured as debris fell onto a residential building. Another drone was repelled near the city of Podolsk in the southern Moscow region.
The claims could not be independently verified. The city of Tula is located 160 kilometers south of Moscow, and the Kaluga region is about 200 kilometers southwest. Moscow Mayor, Sergei Sobyanin, wrote on Telegram that the air defense had thwarted a major drone attack on the capital. Governor of the Bryansk region, Alexander Bogomaz, wrote on Telegram,zwei UAVs seien über der Region abgeschossen worden.
„Sofern kein Wunder geschieht, wird Awdijiwka fallen“
14.18 Uhr: Praktisch kein Ort an der Front im Ukraine-Krieg steht derzeit so im Blickpunkt wie Awdijiwka. Die Stadt nahe der von Russland kontrollierten Donbass-Hauptstadt Donezk ist Schauplatz mehrerer russischer Angriffe in den letzten Wochen und Monaten. Nach Beurteilung von Militärexperten ist die Situation für die Ukraine kritisch.
Gustav Gressel vom European Council on Foreign Relations sagte der „Welt am Sonntag“: „Über den Winter müssen die Ukrainer die russischen Verluste hoch und die eigenen niedrig halten, um sich Luft für den nächsten Frühling zu verschaffen.“ Die Problematik in Awdijiwka: Die Eisenbahnstrecke. Je weiter die Russen dort vordringen, desto schwieriger wird es für die Ukraine, Nachschub zu beschaffen.
Und Kommandant Markus Reisner vom Österreichischen Bundesheer, der seit Monaten regelmäßig den Kriegsverlauf analysiert, sieht eine hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass die Ukraine die Stadt verliert: „Sofern kein Wunder geschieht, beispielsweise ein Gegenangriff der 47. mechanisierten Brigade der Ukraine, wird Awdijiwka fallen.“
Internationale Beobachter wie das Institut für Kriegsstudien in den USA (ISW) bestätigten die heftigen Kämpfe um Awdijiwka. Russische Truppen versuchen dort, die ukrainischen Verteidiger in der Stadt einzukesseln. Das nasse Herbstwetter macht derzeit beiden Seiten den Kampf schwer, hieß es aus dem britischen Verteidigungsministerium zuletzt.
71 russische Drohnen abgeschossen – bisher größter Angriff auf Kiew
10.21 Uhr: Die ukrainische Luftwaffe hat nach eigenen Angaben in der Nacht zum Samstag 71 russische Angriffsdrohnen abgeschossen. Die überwiegende Mehrheit der Schahed-Drohnen iranischer Herkunft sei über der Hauptstadt-Region zerstört worden, teilte die Luftwaffe in den Online-Netzwerken mit. Die Stadtverwaltung von Kiew sprach vom bislang größten Angriff auf die Hauptstadt seit Beginn der russischen Invasion im Februar 2022. Fünf Menschen wurden demnach verletzt, darunter ein elfjähriges Kind.
Nach Angaben von Bürgermeister Vitali Klitschko ertönte der Luftalarm in seiner Stadt sechs Stunden lang. Herabstürzende Drohnentrümmer lösten zudem Brände aus und beschädigten Gebäude. „Der Feind setzt seinen Terror fort“, erklärte Klitschko.
Russische Soldaten wenden sich gegen Kommandeur: „Er hat unsere Leute getötet“
Samstag, 25. November, 10.06 Uhr: Ein Video von russischen Soldaten, die sich maskiert haben, macht auf X (ehemals Twitter) die Runde. Sie sollen laut eigener Aussage dem 26. Regiment des 2. Bataillons angehören. Die Männer äußern sich zu den Zuständen in ihrer Kompanie und werfen ihrem Kommandeur vor, dass er sie „töten“ wolle.
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