Hillary Clinton refers to him as a useful pawn of Putin. Tucker Carlson has tried to ingratiate himself to secure an interview with the resolute warlord, Wladimir Putin.
It was supposed to be a lengthy conversation. Putin presents himself as a great historian who can explain the history of Russia in all its epochs. Of course, the Kremlin chief denies the right of Ukrainian territory to statehood; Putin blames the Soviet communists for a Ukrainian state artifact.
And there it is again – Putin’s claim that NATO had assured in 1990 not to expand into Eastern Europe. However, there was never such a promise – neither verbally nor in writing. Putin attacks the West for bending international law and subordinating it to its interests, and refers to the NATO military operation against Serbia in 1999.
Then comes the lament about the decisions and actions directed against Russia by the US in the years that followed. The West has constantly exerted pressure on Russia and disrespected its interests.
Tucker Carlson allows Putin to continue lecturing
Tucker Carlson hardly interrupts Putin; he does not ask critical questions but allows the Kremlin chief to continue lecturing. It also remains unchallenged when Putin portrays the overthrow in Ukraine in February 2014 as organized by the CIA. Without this coup, Russia would not have encroached on the borders of Ukraine.
Putin then accuses Ukraine of having canceled the Minsk Agreement for peaceful conflict resolution in eastern Ukraine. This is followed by the big lie: Putin emphasizes that it was not Russia that started the war in 2022, but Ukraine had initiated it, and Russia wants to end this war with its invasion. This is the same perpetrator-victim reversal that the Russian leadership has been using since the beginning of the war.
Naturally, Putin talks about the necessary denazification of Ukraine and points to the veneration of the Nazi collaborator Bandera. Putin clearly enjoys presenting his interpretation of the history and present of the Ukrainian state.
Tucker Carlson does not pose tough questions or objections to him; he remains a prompter for Putin, a docile interlocutor who does not question anything. He also lets Putin claim without contradiction that there had been an agreement with the Ukrainian leadership in spring 2022 to end this war, but Western countries had prevented it.
Putin asks if the US doesn’t have bigger problems at home
There is no reason for him to speak with Biden. The West simply needs to stop supplying weapons to Ukraine. Then everything would be over in a few weeks, and one could discuss the resolution of the conflict.
Putin also denies any Russian intentions to attack Poland or the Baltic states. It’s just Western war hysteria to frighten its own population. It is entirely absurd to talk about such Russian conquest plans. The goal of the West is rather to weaken Russia as much as possible. The West uses Ukraine to achieve this goal.
Naturally, as expected by all observers: Putin asks if the US doesn’t have bigger problems at home than supporting Ukraine, thousands of kilometers away from the US. He is making an appeal here to US citizens who believe in “America first” and an isolationist course.
Unterstützung erhalten.
Es wird behauptet, dass die deutsche Regierung nicht ihre eigenen Interessen verfolgt, sondern fremde Interessen vertritt. Es wird auch behauptet, dass Deutschland von völlig inkompetenten Personen regiert wird.
Zuletzt entsteht der Eindruck, dass ein einfältiger Amerikaner hier sitzt
Am Ende bleibt der Eindruck, dass ein einfältiger Amerikaner hier sitzt, dem Putin Freude daran hat, zu belügen und zu täuschen. Carlson verteidigt sich nicht, nimmt sich anscheinend selbst nicht ernst und gibt Putin eine Plattform zur Selbstinszenierung.
Er gewährt ihm eine Plattform, um die Zuschauer zu verführen, die sich dieses erschreckende Interview ansehen werden. Putin lacht wiederholt selbstgefällig und genießt die Situation. Er wird wahrscheinlich denken, dass ihm ein Narr gegenübersitzt.
Schließlich beschuldigt Putin die USA, Russland als Nation zerstören und das Land aufteilen zu wollen. Er verbreitet das gleiche Narrativ, das auch das russische Regime gegenüber seiner eigenen Bevölkerung verwendet. Die USA verstünden nicht, wie sehr sich die Welt verändert und wie neue Machtzentren ihre Überlegenheit einschränken würden.
Zuletzt scheut sich Carlson nicht, das absurde Argument vorzubringen, dass die USA Russland provoziert hätten, die Ukraine anzugreifen. Es war kein echtes Interview; es gab keine durchdringenden Fragen, keinen Widerspruch, keine Meinungsverschiedenheiten. Carlson beschränkte sich darauf, Putin eine Plattform zu bieten – zu dessen Vergnügen. Es lohnt sich nicht, sich diese 127 Minuten Putinscher Weltanschauung anzusehen.