On the Telegram channel “The Way Home,” Russian soldiers’ wives demanded the return of their husbands. “Vladimir [Putin],” it says, “where have you brought our men? Under your leadership, we Russians have no hope.”
According to the “Daily Mail,” the statements on the channel largely targeted the Russian President personally. “Go to the frontline yourself – and die!” writes a soldier’s wife.
Paulina: “This is pure mockery and ridicule”
A soldier’s wife named Paulina even addressed the Russian President and the people through a video recording. “I was amused to see that the President declared 2024 as the ‘Year of the Family,” said Paulina. “Why is it the ‘Year of the Family’ when I don’t have a husband? This is pure mockery and ridicule!”
Her husband had to quit his job as an IT specialist and join the Russian army 14 months ago. Since then, she has raised their child alone.
“I just want him to come home soon,” said Paulina with tears in her eyes.
Wounded soldiers are not allowed to go to the hospital
Another soldier’s wife explained that her husband had fought for the country and been injured, as reported by the “Daily Mail.” “He can’t feel his legs anymore,” she said in a video. “He was supposed to be taken to the hospital, but instead, he was taken to the Sarmat battalion where he is supposed to fight again.”
Her children need him so desperately, the soldier’s wife implored. “Please, save my husband’s life, Putin,” she said. “Please, at least let him stand on his feet again… Or at least be treated in the hospital!”
War in Ukraine costs Russia hundreds of thousands of lives
According to US intelligence information, at least 315,000 Russian soldiers have died since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. At the beginning of the war, Russia had prepared about 360,000 soldiers and personnel for the invasion.
After successful counterattacks by the Ukrainian army, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared general mobilization with immediate effect on September 21, 2022. Since then, more and more soldiers’ wives and mothers have been speaking out against the war.