Data from the “Wirtschaftswoche” indicate that currently a driver’s license costs between 2600 and 3500 euros. According to the traffic expert from the CDU parliamentary group, Florian Müller, it’s too much. He claims that the high costs are “putting individual mobility at risk.” The driver’s license is becoming increasingly “a luxury” unnecessarily.
“Today’s driving school system is fundamentally over 30 years old,” says Müller to the “Rheinischen Post”. “But 30 years ago, there was no thought of digital learning, driving simulators, or smartphones.” With the help of new technologies, it should be possible to gradually reduce the cost of the driver’s license.
Driving Instructors’ Association Calls for Subsidies
The Vice-Chairman of the Federal Association of Driving Instructors, Kurt Bartels, sees it differently. He believes that the government needs to financially support driving instructors in order to reduce the costs.
“For example, the fuel price hits hard,” says Bartels to the “Rheinischen Post”. “If the government wants to reduce costs, we need specific relief there.”