Lufthansa: Geplant ist, dass bis zu ein Fünftel der vorgesehenen Flüge abheben werden
16.06 Uhr: Während des geplanten Warnstreiks ihres Bodenpersonals plant die Lufthansa, 10 bis 20 Prozent ihres ursprünglichen Flugplans umzusetzen. Ein Sprecher der Deutschen Presse-Agentur äußerte, dass es bei den 100 bis 200 möglichen Verbindungen am Mittwoch sowohl Interkontinental- als auch Kontinentalflüge geben werde.
Verdi fordert ein 24-stündiges Streik des Lufthansa-Bodenpersonals am Mittwoch
Montag, 05. Februar, 08.38 Uhr: Reisende müssen am Mittwoch auf Verzögerungen bei Lufthansa-Flügen vorbereitet sein. Verdi hat das Bodenpersonal an mehreren Flughäfen zu einem ganztägigen Warnstreik aufgerufen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.
Ausstand bei Discover Airlines – zahlreiche Flugverbindungen annulliert
Sonntag, 04. Februar, 10.49 Uhr: Aufgrund eines aktuellen Pilotenstreiks am Sonntag und Montag müssen Passagiere der Lufthansa-Tochter Discover Airlines mit Ausfällen und Verzögerungen rechnen. Am Sonntag wurden zahlreiche für Sonntag und Montag geplante Discover-Flüge ab Frankfurt gestrichen, wie aus der online einsehbaren Abflugtafel des Flughafens hervorgeht. Davon betroffen sind Verbindungen nach Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, Mexiko und in die USA.
Die Piloten-Gewerkschaft Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) hat die Piloten dazu aufgerufen, ihre Arbeit für 48 Stunden bis einschließlich Montagabend niederzulegen.
Vor Beginn des Streiks teilte Discover mit, dass voraussichtlich 90 Prozent der vorgesehenen Kurz- und Mittelstreckenflüge ab Frankfurt während des Streiks stattfinden sollen. Auf der Langstrecke werden voraussichtlich rund 30 Prozent der Verbindungen bedient. Es sind insgesamt 27 Abflüge ab Frankfurt geplant. Die zehn geplanten Abflüge ab München werden von Lufthansa durchgeführt. Passagiere werden gebeten, ihren Flugstatus regelmäßig zu überprüfen.
VC kämpft für einen Erst-Tarifvertrag bei der vor zweieinhalb Jahren gegründeten Fluggesellschaft, die insgesamt 24 Flugzeuge betreibt. Die Gewerkschaft betrachtet die Verhandlungen mit dem Arbeitgeber derzeit als gescheitert.
Warnstreiks im ÖPNV haben begonnen – auch am Hamburger Flughafen
Freitag, 02. Februar, 07.01 Uhr: Die Gewerkschaft Verdi legt seit dem frühen Freitagmorgen in vielen Städten und Regionen den öffentlichen Nahverkehr mit Warnstreiks lahm. Unter anderem in Berlin und Brandenburg sowie im besonders betroffenen Nordrhein-Westfalen starteten die Ausstände am Morgen.
Der geplante Warnstreik soll in mehr als 80 Städten und rund 40 Landkreisen bundesweit den Bus-, U- und Straßenbahnverkehr fast vollständig zum Erliegen bringen. 15 Bundesländer sind betroffen. Der Ausstand ist in den meisten Kommunen für den ganzen Tag geplant. In Berlin soll er bereits um 10.00 Uhr enden. Am Hamburger Flughafen begann nach dem Warnstreik der Luftsicherheitskräfte am Freitagmorgen ein weiterer Warnstreik.
Die ÖPNV-Warnstreiks wurden aufgrund gleichzeitiger Tarifverhandlungen im ÖPNV in fast allen Bundesländern durchgeführt. In den meisten Runden geht es vor allem um die Arbeitsbedingungen für die Beschäftigten. Verdi fordert unter anderem kürzere Arbeitszeiten ohne finanzielle Einbußen, längere Ruhezeiten zwischen einzelnenSchichten, additional holiday days or greater holiday pay. This is intended to provide relief to employees and make the profession more attractive.
The warning strikes are being supported by the climate movement Fridays for Future (FFF). The organization is demanding improved working conditions in the industry as a prerequisite for making public transportation more appealing as an alternative to driving.
At Hamburg Airport, the union had called on ground handling service providers to cease work from 3:00 am to 11:59 pm. According to the airport’s information, the impact on passengers should be limited. In the morning, initially five departures and three arrivals were canceled, as indicated on the airport’s website. This primarily affected flights to and from Helsinki and Munich.
Originally, 135 departures and 132 arrivals with over 37,000 passengers were planned for Friday at Hamburg Airport. Employees of the service providers Groundstars, Stars and Cats are called upon to participate in the warning strike at the airport. According to the union, these employees are responsible, among other tasks, for loading and unloading the aircraft, providing technical equipment, pushing back the airplanes, handling baggage, de-icing the airplanes, and cleaning the interior of the aircraft.
The following airports are affected by the strike on Thursday
The union Verdi has called on the employees of the flight passenger control and other security areas at the following airports for Thursday to enforce wage increases:
- Frankfurt
- Hamburg
- Bremen
- Hannover
- Berlin
- Cologne
- Düsseldorf
- Leipzig
- Dresden
- Erfurt
- Stuttgart
Airport warning strike has begun
21.21 hours: The announced warning strike by security personnel at major German airports has begun. Cologne-Bonn was the first airport affected by the work stoppage on Wednesday evening, according to a Verdi spokesperson.
Air traffic in Munich and Nuremberg to be maintained on strike day
Wednesday, January 31, 8:15 am: The flight schedule at Munich and Nuremberg airports is not expected to be affected by the strike of aviation security personnel at other German commercial airports on Thursday. This also applies to Lufthansa’s domestic flights, according to a company spokesperson on Wednesday. Many aircraft are likely to have substantially fewer passengers. However, it is expected that operations in Munich and Nuremberg “will take place in full,” said the Lufthansa spokesperson.
The passenger control in Munich and Nuremberg is not affected, as the employees there work in the public service sector. Therefore, all flights to and from Munich and Nuremberg will continue to be possible.
Strikes will also take place at Cologne/Bonn and Düsseldorf airports on Thursday
22.07 hours: Passengers at Cologne/Bonn and Düsseldorf airports should expect significant disruptions and waiting times on Thursday. The union Verdi has called on employees in the aviation security sector to hold full-day warning strikes. This was communicated by Verdi on Tuesday. Employees working in flight passenger control, in the inspection of persons and goods, in cargo control, and in service areas are expected to cease work.
In view of the warning strike on Thursday, Cologne/Bonn Airport announced that significant disruptions to flight operations and flight cancellations are to be expected. “Passengers who have booked a flight to or from Cologne/Bonn for Thursday are asked to check the status of their flight with their airline or tour operator before traveling to the airport,” it said. A total of scheduled flights at Cologne/Bonn Airport on Thursday are regular.103 Scheduled passenger flights – 52 takeoffs and 51 landings.
The Düsseldorf airport also advises all passengers to inquire with their airline or tour operator whether their flight will take place as planned. “The strike will lead to disruptions in flight operations. Passengers should expect delays and flight cancellations,” the airport announced on Tuesday evening. For Thursday, around 290 takeoffs and landings are scheduled at the largest airport in North Rhine-Westphalia in Düsseldorf.
According to union officials, the warning strike at Cologne/Bonn Airport in personnel and cargo control is scheduled to start late Wednesday evening with the beginning of the night shift, in passenger control at midnight. This was announced by a Verdi spokesperson. In Düsseldorf, the labor dispute is scheduled to begin at midnight, in passenger control around 3 a.m. The strike is expected to end around midnight on Friday.
According to the union, there are a total of more than 2600 employees in the security area at the two airports, who are responsible for inspections of passengers, goods, and boarding passes on behalf of the Federal Police and the airport operator. The union estimates that around 1100 people will be on duty on Thursday.
Strikes are also planned for Thursday at the airports in Hamburg, Bremen, Hannover, Berlin, Leipzig, Dresden, Erfurt, Frankfurt/Main, and Stuttgart. Verdi is negotiating nationwide for about 25,000 industry employees with the Federal Association of Air Security Companies (BDLS). No agreement has been reached in the previous negotiation rounds. The union is demanding an increase in wages of 2.80 euros per hour, higher functional allowances, and overtime supplements from the first hour of overtime for a term of twelve months.
“Our goal is to sustainably compensate for the loss of purchasing power of the employees. The work of air security personnel must remain financially attractive in order to attract and retain urgently needed skilled workers. Therefore, the price increases of the last two years, especially those of food and energy, as well as the predicted price increase in 2024, must be offset and real wage increases must occur,” said Verdi chief negotiator Wolfgang Pieper.
All departures in Berlin and Hamburg cancelled on Thursday
Tuesday, January 30, 7:03 PM: Due to a warning strike by air security personnel, no passenger flights will depart on Thursday at the airports in Hamburg and Berlin. This was announced by the airport companies in the two cities on Tuesday. This will result in 170 departures being cancelled at Berlin Brandenburg Airport (BER), with 126 departures cancelled in Hamburg. The Verdi union has called for a nationwide full-day warning strike on Thursday for employees working in passenger and cargo control, which is likely to paralyze air traffic in large parts of Germany.
For more information on the warning strikes, read on the next pages.