Even prophets are disregarded in their own land. As the President of the ECB, Christine Lagarde is responsible for the currency fate of 20 countries. She examines, assesses, and steers it like no other.
However, her expertise in her own household is often more scorned than appreciated. While the largest companies in the EU probably paid millions to hear Lagarde’s opinions on sensible investments, her own son had nothing but a weary smile for her for decades, as reported by “Reuters.com”.
Now, Lagarde’s son has “almost lost his entire fortune” due to a mis-speculation in cryptocurrencies.
Lagarde: “He Completely Ignored Me”
Defiantly, Lagarde tells “Reuters.com” that she had long advised one of her two adult sons against investing in cryptocurrencies. In her view, they only allowed speculation anyway.
“He completely ignored me,” says Lagarde. “That is his right, and now he has almost lost all his money.”
Her son has gambled away about 60% of his investments. After the loss, she reminded him again of her advice, and now he has finally “reluctantly admitted that I was right”.
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