Nearly half of Germans anticipate that the traffic light coalition of Social Democratic Party (SPD), Greens and Free Democratic Party (FDP) will collapse before the next federal election in the autumn of 2025. According to a survey conducted by the Yougov opinion research institute on behalf of the German Press Agency, 27 percent of eligible voters expect the coalition to end next year. Another 21 percent anticipate that the traffic light coalition will hold up until 2025 but will still disband before the election. Only 34 percent believe that the tripartite coalition will continue until the election.
Germans Anticipate Traffic Light Coalition’s Collapse
Speculations about an early federal election or a coalition change have been increasing due to disagreements between the SPD, Greens, and FDP regarding budgetary policy and other issues. For example, in the federal parliament, the SPD and the CDU/CSU together have a majority.
Projections about the future of the coalition vary among voters of the three traffic light parties. A majority of 58 percent of Green supporters believe in the continuity of the coalition until the 2025 election. Among SPD supporters, however, it is only 43 percent, and in the FDP camp, 40 percent.
On the other hand, supporters of opposition parties anticipate an early end to the traffic light coalition. 54 percent of CDU/CSU supporters expect this, and among AfD voters, it is even 65 percent. In the Left party camp, 48 percent foresee a coalition’s end before the federal election, while only 41 percent believe that the traffic light coalition will endure.