Jens Spahn is calling for longer working hours in Germany: “In the 90s, Helmut Kohl spoke of Germany as an amusement park. Looking around, I do not think the term is completely absurd to describe our problems,” said the deputy faction leader of the CDU to the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”. “Just in comparison to Switzerland, which I do not consider a country of exploitation, we work an average of 300 hours less per year.”
Germany’s higher productivity cannot compensate for this difference in working hours. The possible consequence: The usual standards in retirement, care, health, education, and infrastructure would not be maintained in an aging society. The CDU’s basic program offers ideas to correct this: “Non-taxable extra hours. Tax advantages for retirees who work. Reward the return from part-time to full-time,” said Spahn. And instead of “green subsidyitis”, companies must be supported in investments and production increases.
“Besides fostering, more demanding again”
Spahn currently misses determination: “At the moment, the impression is that we lack the bite. But we just need to unleash the bite.” It is urgently necessary to revise the citizen’s income: “The sanctions are too lenient. Those who refuse jobs as able-bodied should receive significantly less money. This is a matter of justice.” This also applies “to the rapidly increasing number of foreigners among the citizen’s income recipients.”
“The socio-political explosive power is still underestimated, especially in the SPD.” He does not know anyone who has anything against people who come to Germany and work. “That’s why it’s simply the best way to get as many people into a job as possible. And for that, besides fostering, there needs to be more demanding again.”