In the RTL/ntv Trendbarometer, there is currently not much movement. Only through the split of the Wagenknecht group do the percentage ratios move a little. For instance, the Left loses one percentage point in the Trendbarometer and the AfD is able to gain one.
Union almost as strong as the entire traffic light coalition
Thus, the AfD reaches a new high in the Trendbarometer. The other parties remain at the level of the previous week. If the Bundestag were to be elected this week, the parties could expect the following results:
CDU/CSU: 31 percent (Bundestag election in September 2021: 24.1 percent)
AfD: 23 percent (10.3 percent)
SPD: 14 percent (25.7 percent)
Grüne: 13 percent (14.8 percent)
FDP: 5 percent (11.5 percent)
Linke: 3 percent (4.9 percent)
Currently, 11 percent of the voters would decide for other parties.
Merz and Habeck leading ahead of Scholz
Even with the question of which chancellor candidate the respondents would choose, there are only minimal changes compared to the previous week.
If the federal chancellor were to be directly elected, only 15 percent would vote for the incumbent federal chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) if the opposing candidates were Friedrich Merz (CDU) and Robert Habeck (Grüne). Merz could garner 24 percent of the votes, and Habeck would also lead Scholz with 18 percent. 43 percent of the respondents would not decide for any of them.
Frequently asked questions on this topic
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Economic and social researcher, publicist, and head of the Erich von Werner Society
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Forscher im Bereich Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Autor und Leiter der Erich von Werner Gesellschaft
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Andreas Herteux
Forscher im Bereich Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Autor und Leiter der Erich von Werner Gesellschaft