As reported by the “Bild”, the AfD intends to nominate its co-leader Tino Chrupalla as a candidate for the position of Minister President in the Saxony state election. However, Chrupalla denied such media reports. The 48-year-old emphasized his desire to remain in federal politics.
In response, Chrupalla stated on Wednesday: “I have many plans for the Alternative for Germany at the federal level, both in parliamentary and party-political terms. These are plans that I want to implement in the coming years.”
In a Saxony election, Chrupalla would compete against incumbent Michael Kretschmer. The CDU lags behind the AfD in surveys, currently at 33 percent. All other parties, on the other hand, only have single-digit poll results to show.
Chrupalla’s Nomination in Saxony Could Defuse Power Struggle
According to the “Bild” report, Chrupalla’s nomination in Saxony would have another advantage: it would prevent a potential power struggle for the nomination of the Chancellor candidate in the federal election with co-leader Alice Weidel. When asked about the rumors, Chrupalla told the “Bild”: “I do not comment on these rumors”.
On the other hand, a member of the AfD national board told the “Bild”: “If we were indeed to have the first Minister President in Germany in Saxony, then the federal leader should take on the job. After all, he comes from Saxony and knows the region and its people.”